Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

TASK 23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning....

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

* Setting up a Blog that would have an guaranteed "audience " !
* Creating my "The Library Thing "
* Reading and reflecting upon the articles about Library 2.0
* Web 2.0 tools

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
* Clarified how my learning style adapts and crosses over from being the "student" on campus to professional development in the workplace . And as this workplace really is quite a new environment for me it made the journey even fresher.

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

* I really like my avatar it is cute!
* Not really a surprise I guess , but having this opportunity for a directed learning experience I went to Internet tracks that I haven't been to before!

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

* Having Robyn Dennis remould it to our QLD. TAFE workplace made it a seamless interface that was relevant to us , it was great. Thank you !

And last but not least…

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?

Yes , but I really should revisit my ICDL first .

Task 22 Communities

Just conducting a search to see what groups appeared under the Vocational and training on the Edna site was extensive and interesting. Clearly illustrates the existence of networks . I added a post to Tanya Mohr's 23 Things thread .

To answer the specific questions:

Did you find it difficult to join an online community?

Once I'd linked to the site from the weekly task page it was simply a matter of copy and paste the key into the box, and I do admit to doing an extra lap to set up my registration to enable me to leave my reply.

I have disabled my facebook re the comment i left as I did not enjoy viewing a strange man's personal bits every time i opened the page.

I have uploaded tons of personal photos on Myspace account previous to this excercise. The new LIVE system has made the process even easier.

Can you see a use for this at your workplace?

Another good way to draw workplace teams together for shared projects like this one has been. Offers a good forum to voice our experiences.

Task 21 Podcast Directories

I found the book review show on

Radio Sausalito's Check It Out

When i searched for Australian Library podcasts there weren't any results given here.

I haven't added the rss feed to my blog yet as I needed to go to google reader help centre and am about to they say I shall keep you posted!!

Task 20 blog about Mr Bean in the Library

How easy was that...and I am a big fan of Rowan Atkinson. Did prefer him as Black Adder. My husband was on a Qantas flight with him years ago when there was only one screen for the inflight entertainment which was playing him and Atkinson did this impromptu performance, Brilliant !

TASK 20 you Tube/ daily motion

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

TASK 19 Web 2.0 Awards : BLOG GUIDES

Not only did I think it was a good way to start at the top of the list , I wanted to have a bit more practice with Tehnorati, which btw was the winner.

Before I logged in, I searched for my blog and happily found I was one of two with kit kat as a term.

I then saved myself as a favourite to my acount as no one else had!!

I had a further look at their tools and found this form but will try and set up my return pinging later.

Automate this! You can have your blog software ping for you. Just enter into your weblog tool's configuration for Pings and Notifications. Check our ping configuration page for more information.

TASK18 Online productivity web-based applications .

In hind sight, things can always be seen more clearly and this is certainly true for this task.

We have all been using the google docs speadsheet to track our progress from the beginning.

There was a good overview listed of what other (than google!) applications are out there like the Zoho Writer.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


My Favourite Restaurant

Regarding my experience;

To be honest , I was REALLY hoping that i did not DELETE one of the pages whilst playing around.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

TASK 16 Wikis

1. Some library wikis and blog about your findings.

Making a quick visit to Princeton Public Library The Booklovers Wiki you are welcomed by the headline of what a huge success the project has been.

So that has got to be good! Get a sense of the community buit around such web interaction immeadiately, which is ofcourse THE BIG reason for this application.

2. Create a blog post about your findings.
What did you find interesting?
Basically got a better definition and better acquainted with the development of WIkis as well as making a summary note as to where they are used from the powerpoint .

What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki?
  • Subject guides
  • Internal library
  • CMS
  • conference , PD
  • project above , book groups

TASK 15 Library 2.0 Perspectives

I chose to read:

Away from the “icebergs” by Rick Anderson

Micheal Stephens Into a new world of librarianship

and Chip Nilge' s To more powerful ways to cooperate

Create a blog post about your thoughts on any one of these :

Rick Anderson addressed 3 potential disaster areas for providing library patrons successfully with information services in our changing environment.

  1. The "just in case collection" with significant drops in circulation statistics of traditional print format it makes sense to to shift expenditure toward accessing Web 2.0 resources. Clearly an evaluation of your own library usage would be used to base strategic decisions upon.
  2. Reliance on user education Discussed the need for libaries to engage the best search interfaces to reduce the time customers' self learning to reach their own information needs. This being because in reality the staff ratios are low and it is not reasonable to focus effort on teaching reasearch skills. Handy to read & inspired me to play further with the Google page creator.
  3. "come to us " model" nowadays when there is growing equity for patrons getting access to information the developed world......there is a movement away from placing library services in a defined physical or virtual place . Library 2.0 is about integratingin to clients everyday workplaces, study or play.

Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?

Something along the lines of Micheal Stpehen's ideas.. Librarian 2.0, then, is the “strategy guide” for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content.

Learning more about Web 2.0 tools, taking them into my library work and making these adapatations will help better meet the customer needs .

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Task 13

The Otter group Tutorial gave a great overview of the features and it was more engaging than digging through the very text based help page of the tool.

On the PLCMCL2 account there was another antipodean 2.0 learner whom i said hello to in a comment.

My experience of Bookmarking / Tags has been on our shared TAFE site for library suppliers I have found at work. Here is our link.

Some of the comments added to the the bookmarks by other users demonstrate the "Free" nature of the language used as tags by the way people are percieving the resource for their own purposes.

I see the value of as a research tool in the two fold way described in the POdcast
1) Create Reading Lists: - find material on a topic: share it with peers: connect with others
2)Syllabus Buidiing : give access to material via URl : PDF post to Blog use permalink as del.licious ....with permission of course!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

TASK 12 Rollyo

Created the account, (this is a note to self user name Cate_ Ab same as for the Library thing )
I needed help...THANKS TANYA :).... to get my Searchbox working here.

So it is definitely time to seek out how to make a great cup of coffee, try BARISTA.

Powered by Rollyo

Again glimpsing at the range of the interests users of this site have is just wonderful . The obvious way to transfer it to library work environment was illustrated by the PLMCM Research- Homework site.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

TASK 11 Library Thing

This has been my favourite task to do: it was great to get an introduction into the site this way and create an acount. Not only is it going to be so useful it has the added bonus of potentially creating this new social network. I love it !

Library thing

TASK 10 Image Generator

Generated from

Very simple fun task this morning, even so it might be time for a coffee break....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

TASK 9 Finding Feeds

Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use?

Using the google reader to find news sites : I searched for library feeds and have added them to my subscription eg,

Which Search tool was the easiest for you?

Out of the 4 listed I tried searching simply for "LIBRARY NEWS FEEDS"

Feedster gave many and varied links, also there is a lot of embedded sponsored link sites in the margins which limits the "busy-ness" to a defined area of the page., was great the way you can load in your specific area / postcode to search for local feeds, I liked the count summary it gave of how many sites it had located

Technorati, was the WINNER for me re easiest and also brought forth a little serendipity by locating a fellow 23 things blogger


Ahhhh the simple used to refer to primary production like milking your own cow and FEEDING the chickens : now it is electronic technology delivering customised news FEEDS to your PC.

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?

The simplicity of installing them onto google account and that dreamy engineer on the video introducing the concept and his earnest(ness?) when he says they'd worked really hard to make it work so well.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?

Having added my work colleagues Blog accounts to my subscriptions who are also participating in the TQL program has set up an instant network to share our experiences and discoveries

How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology ?
2 spring to mind immediately....
Professional Development
Reference Queries

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Task 7 Blog about technology in general +1

Sorry, but I simply must start this with a specific comment about the Gizmoz animation I just watched, as I do recognize the voice behind the character, AMAZING Robyn!!!

This easily leads me into commenting more generally about technology anyhow, as firslty it has become a lot more FUN and secondly it's more accessible to everybody with less techno savvy /skills to enjoy as a recreation as well as serving more work focussed purposes. Technology is constantly evolving from a tool to process data for corporate,administrative, scientific,educational ...yadda yadda applications to changing the platform of personal and professional development, how our interpersonal communication takes place and connecting in new social network environments. Technology can shape our very being as individuals.

However the issue remains of everybody actually having the opporunity and resources (eg. money,time, PC& internet connection)available to all groups in our community...thinking now of people's age and different socio-economic income brackets.

Oh well,as they say there it is in a nutshell...except for this

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Task 6 More Flickr

Today I am learning more about APIs (application programming interfaces), mashups and COVERPOPS.....

"Imagine a very large coffee table strewn with magazines or books, but you can point at any one of them and it flies up and into full view right away. Now imagine the coffee table as a web page, and you've got Coverpop, yet another great webhack from Jim Bumgardner."
--Peter Kaminski

As the task said to find an example of an intriguing one, this fits the bill.

It is kind of Andy Warhole pop art meets web technology. The mal-nutritional content contained in all the cereal boxes maybe symbolic. Plus the way each box spiralled up when the mouse was hovered over the graphic completed this spin out viewing experience.

Here it is..

the equivalent fiber of one box of colon-blow

TASK 5 Discover Flickr

Task 5:

This photo caught my eye when I linked into the "Interistingness" for the last 7 days page.

The colour and the composition of what is actually a very flat it would have to be being a prairie scene!

And also the notion that it might also be very familiar territory to the photographer interested me. The way they had captured it so creatively somehow demonstrated how they percieve what may possibly be "their own backyard" as being of strange, wild, natural, with a storm brewing, yet it remains beautiful....a place for all seasons.

So here it is....
"Prairie Storm, Summer Flowers "

Thursday, August 16, 2007

71/2 Habits of Life long Learning

Having just read the next paragraph of this week's task I thought I should answer the question....
For me : the easiest habit is setting the goal and the most difficult is having confidence in achieving the final outcome.

Friday 17th August

Good morning all,

Pretty cool way to start the day really, having an audience of untold millions!!

"Sieze the Day" : have a creative and productive time at whatever will fill your next 24 hours.
