Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Task 6 More Flickr

Today I am learning more about APIs (application programming interfaces), mashups and COVERPOPS.....

"Imagine a very large coffee table strewn with magazines or books, but you can point at any one of them and it flies up and into full view right away. Now imagine the coffee table as a web page, and you've got Coverpop, yet another great webhack from Jim Bumgardner."
--Peter Kaminski

As the task said to find an example of an intriguing one, this fits the bill.

It is kind of Andy Warhole pop art meets web technology. The mal-nutritional content contained in all the cereal boxes maybe symbolic. Plus the way each box spiralled up when the mouse was hovered over the graphic completed this spin out viewing experience.

Here it is..

the equivalent fiber of one box of colon-blow

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